When Does Spotify Wrapped get Chatty? How To Fix it 2023? Best Way

When Does Spotify Wrapped get Chatty: Spotify wrapped, the popular music streaming service, announced a new feature called “chatty.” The feature allows users to share songs and chat directly in the app. The company has been testing the feature for a few weeks and encourages more social interaction among users. “We’re always looking for ways to make Spotify more social and chatty is the latest example,” said a spokesperson for the company.

The new feature is available to both free and premium users and can be accessed through the “Chat” tab at the bottom. Recently, some users have been reporting that their computer starts talking to them when they try to use the chat feature on the website. This can be a bit disconcerting, but it’s just a bug in the software. Here in this post, we will see how to fix Spotify wrapped chatty.

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How To Fix Spotify Wrapped Get Chatty:

Some people try to fix the Spotify Wrapped get Chatty feature. To Fix Spotify Wrapped Get Chatty, follow the below steps carefully

  • Open Spotify and sign in to your account. 
  • Click on the “Chat” icon in the top right corner of the screen. 
  • A window will pop up with a chat box and some other options. 
  • Click on the “Settings” gear in the bottom left corner of the chat window. 
  • A new window will open with some options. 
Spotify Wrapped get chatty
Spotify Wrapped get chatty
  • Click on the “Text to Speech” tab. 
  • Uncheck the box next to “Enable text-to-speech”
  • Click “Save”. 
  • Spotify should now be working correctly again. 
  • If you’re still having problems or have any other questions, please get in touch with us at support@spotify.com.

Related: How to Share Spotify Wrapped on Instagram 2022?

How successful is Spotify Wrapped?

Spotify Wrapped is a feature on the music streaming service Spotify that generates a report of the user’s listening habits over the year. The information includes statistics such as how many minutes were streamed, how many different artists were listened to, and which genres were most popular. The feature was released in December 2018 and met with mixed reactions.

Spotify Wrapped chatty
Spotify Wrapped chatty

While some users are thrilled to see their listening habits laid out straightforwardly, others find the feature selfish and unnecessary. Despite the mixed responses, Spotify Wrapped has been successful in that it has generated a lot of discussion and engagement on social media. It will be interesting to see if Spotify continues to roll out this feature in future years and whether or not it becomes more popular.

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Spotify Wrapped is a great way to track your music listening habits over the year, but some users have been having trouble getting Chatty to work. In this article, we have shown you how to fix Spotify Wrapped Get Chatty problem. I hope the article is really useful for you to solve the issue. If you have any more queries regarding Spotify Wrapped, Please ask us.


1. What is Spotify Wrapped? 

Ans: Spotify Wrapped is a feature on the music streaming service that celebrates your year in music. It shows you how many minutes you streamed, which artists listened to the most, and more. 

2. How do I fix my Spotify Wrapped get chatty? 

Ans: Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some users have found success by disabling chatty features like auto-play and recommended songs, while others have had to delete their Spotify account and start over completely. If you’re having trouble fixing your chatty Spotify Wrapped, we recommend seeking help from the Spotify community or contacting customer support.

3. When did Spotify Wrapped come out?

Ans: Spotify Wrapped was released on December 6th, 2018, by Spotify.

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